Sunday, December 07, 2008

What Is This About Gifting? Scam, Illegal or Just An Innocent Activity.
Joseph Demasi

As promised I have come out to discuss Gifting, since you cannot get anywhere online without running into a gifting program or 2(more like over 100). This has really become popular over the last 12-18 months. It seems no matter who you speak with online more than 50% are involved with some type of gifting program.

Let's clear the air about something, I am NOT involved with gifting in any way shape or form. I stay out of the debate about the legal aspect of it. Some people like gifting some do not. Some feel it is a perfectly legal activity and of course others disagree. So what is gifting?

One thing I can tell you for sure, it is not a supposed to be a business! If someone is explaining gifting to you and using the words investment or profit or earning- you have a problem. Gifting is an activity, plain and simple. There is no product, no business- just cash given to others of their own free will with nothing expected in return! What did I say? Was it the nothing expected in return part? Oh you are expecting something in return? Your 'inviter' told you money would be rolling in? Oh I see. Here are copies of the forms you signed or are going to sign when you get involved. Gifting Letters . Read them carefully. Once you sign them and send your cash- you have no recourse. Listen to my radio show where I explain it in more detail. Joseph Demasi Radio

Gifting is a noble endeavor and it has been around sine the dawn of time. people have always given gifts and of couse the act of giving or receiving gifts is not illegal. In fact you can receive a cash gift of up to $12k annually from a single person and it not be taxed. Thi is the law that gifters quote to inform you that gifting is legal. Unfortunately- the IRS does not make laws, they just enforce the tax code. In order to find out if your particular program is 100% legal you need to speak to the FTC - Federal Trade Commission.

People are making fortunes in giifting. Yes that is true. Gifting works for some people and not for others. What draws people about gifting is the no hassle approach. You don't have to mess with a business, no overhead, no paypal, no credit cards, no checks- JUST CASH TO YOUR DOOR. That is the draw- with the economy taking and people losing their jobs- they are looking for something more and a better way to maintain their household. Some will turn to gifting, others will turn to small busineses online. Whatever you decide- look into it carefully and go into it with your eyes wide open! Realize what you will be expected to do. There is no reward without effort.

Have a Great Day,
Joseph Demasi