Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Oh No! My Prospect Called My Opportunity A SCAM!!!

by Joseph Demasi

So you finally settled in on your opportunity. You checked it out, you spoke to the President of the company. You flew to the corporate office and met with the 3 top earners, each making over $1 mil. per year. You left the meeting with dreams of boats, planes and a tropic hideaway in Fiji. You were set. Those guys haven'e seen anything yet. $ 1 mil a year- that's chickenfeed!

You were on your way- UNTIL!, You were talking to your friends- (BIG MISTAKE!), they were shocked that someone as smart as you would be taken in by that SCAM!!! How do you feel? Getting second thoughts? Are you sure you looked everything over? Maybe you missed something.

They tell you that they heard all about this on Jerry Springer and you should not get involved in that at all. Keep your job at the meat plant and forget about your dreams, because this is the best there is. You suddenly sink into a deep depression. You have just made the first major mistake - talking to people 'close' to you. They are in just as bad shape as you are - maybe worse- and they do not feel comfortable enough to get out of the rut and they sure as heck don't want you to climb out and leave them there.

This is the biggest challenge a new person will face. As a matter of note I tell every body that starts in my business NOT to tell their family and friends. Do not make a list, just follow my simple guide and you will succeed - guaranteed! Do they listen? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. The good thing is I prepare them for the avalanche of negativity and they are more prepared to live through the assault.

Trust yourself! Know that you have looked at this - it is an established company with great products and they are poised for future growth. unless your friend is a multi millionaire and is familiar with this industry - their opinion is not a valid one. You need to get around like minded people, that want the same things you want and are willing to help you get there - not discourage you. Positive support is esential to your sucess. you will not survive without it.

When someone calls your opportunity a SCAM!, after you have looked it over, unless they have copies of court documents and written opinions by the experts in the industry, You need to get mad. You need to defend you dreams. You want something and they are trying to take it away, how does that make you feel.

Don't so anything rash! But feel that and make that work for you. Get with your sponsor and come up with action items of what you will be doing to get to your goal. make a decision to get through it and make it happen no matter what. For info regarding what to look for in a primary business visit:


To Great Success,
Joseph Demasi

For a step by step guide to making money online visit:


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