Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Free Search Engine Anyone?

I ran across an interesting site that offered a free search engine with a guarantee of a $125 commission within 24 hours of getting everything set up. Hey I'll go for that especially since it did not cost me anything extra.

I always wonder if the promise of a guaranteed anything will pan out. I had nothing to lose on this so I gave it a shot. Well, the $125 has been credited to my account and Tissa (the owner of the site) is advertising my site for FREE. Not a bad deal.

Once inside I discovered the beauty of this site. There are many different streams of income you can participate in and they are all advertised on the search engine, including click bank products and a social networking site. The best part is for those who have their own domain and hosting account (if you don't Tissa gives you a few options) You can actually have Google ads on your pages and get paid from Google (adsense)!

It is definitely worth looking at- if you have every been involved or tried the Spiderweb marketing system(which I felt was way too complicated and time consuming to set up) this is a much easier set up, more straight forward AND you are not nickle and dimed to death like in other so called 'Free' programs.

Go and check it out:

Have a Great Day

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