Thursday, August 31, 2006

Be A Pumper Not A Jumper!

Sound like a strange title for a post here? It isn't. This just came to me after viewing several posts in one of the forums I contribute to. It's always the same - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Sometimes that is the case - but the reason it is greener is because it gets watered! Are you watering your business daily? Are you giving it the attention it needs and deserves? They say plants thrive when you talk to them. I don't know what causes that, but if you love your plants - talk away!

Do you expect a tree to grow from an acorn within a week? Of course not. You may see a little stub within a week and then that acorn, with proper food and water, will grow into a mighty oak, but that takes a few years. Your home based business is the same - it needs to time to mature and grow. If you really want to make money online - you need to come to the reality that there is no quick fix - no matter what line of BS someone is shoveling your way.

It is no secret that if you are involved in a network marketing business you will have a 5-10% chance of success. Yet, you are still here looking for soemthing that you do not have - money, time, freedom. For everyone it is different. i can tell you, as sure as I know the sun will rise tomorrow, that this industry IS the best on the planet. Not because people get rich, but because in order to get rich - you must take people with you. The more successful you help other people to become the more successful you will become.

If you understand that concept, you understand the network marketing industry. You will succeed and be able to make money online with your very own home based business. Do not be afraid of the struggle - it will make you a better person. Success University has a great program for self improvement and motivation. Check it out! It is priceless.

So get your business pumped up with enough food and water to last a lifetime. Stop jumping to the so called latest and greatest. If it is meant to be it is up to YOU.

If you need help starting a home business and are new to Network Marketing click here .

If you desire to create multiple streams of income Click Here

If you already have a program you are in and want to be involved with a group of people that will help you promote your business and give you terrific training and support Click Here

To Great Success and God Bless,

Joseph Demasi

ps. "Successful people are willing to do today what others are not in order to live tomorrow the way others won't"

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