Saturday, June 30, 2007

Beware- The Internet Is Full Of Scams And Scammers
by Joseph Demasi

This is basically a follow up to me previous post. It is true that the internet is full of great information. But did you know that most of the information online is inaccurate. For example, take Wikipedia, for the longest time I actually thought that this was an online encyclopedia, kind of like Britanica or Americana, you know the kind you find in the library. I was actually astounded to find out that ANYONE can make changes to articles and even post articles. Furthermore there is no verification necessary. No-one is going to check the facts. It is really like a huge long running opinion peice where anyone can put their 2 cents in. And to think I was using it to help my daughter with her report!

I point this out for one reason- DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ! Far too often people are caught up in what they 'believe' to be true about the internet and for that matter anything they hear or read at all. The internet is continuosly changing and it is so easy nowadays to put up a website and make outrageous claims that some people will actually believe. Unfortunately people are falling victim to this time and time again. It is affecting everything we do. People are so desperate to believe they can actually make $1000's a month without any real effort that they will fork over $500, $1000, $2000 even $10,000. to someone that they do not know with money that they do not have. They do this on what I call the 2 H's, Hype and Hope.

The latest craze these days seems to be gifting programs These are a form of an illegal pyramid where in order to get paid you must get people to 'buy in' to the program. There is no real product being offered, in fact in a gifting program there is no product at all. You are just going to go ut and find charitable people to gift you money so they can go out and find people to gift them money and so on and so on. People are making $1000's monthly- so they say, with proof- pictures of fed-ex envelopes stuffed with cash. The life of a gifting program is averaging about 6-9 months, when one is closed another pops up with new websites and a slick logo.

My advice- stay away from gifting programs, you may make some money, but someone down the road will get burned.

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